In some meetings, clients really want to hear more about their lawyers and get me to open up a bit. So who is my attorney anyway? What does he do when he’s not lawyering? Why should I go with him?
So, for better or worse, I am going to tell my clients and friends a bit more about what makes me tick and what my background is, so maybe they will learn a bit more about me.
What is my background and where was I born?
I was born in a small town in India called Devlali (also spelled Deolali). The folks who have heard of it know it because it is near a popular town called Nasik, where British soldiers were stationed back in the day. Devlali was a tiny tiny town, so tiny that there was only one doctor in all of it. He delivered me blue in my face, with the umbilical cord literally wrapped around my neck a few times, I kid you not. I remember riding horses every morning from our house to the only traffic light in the town, and back. My love for horse riding came from there. From there, my family moved to ice-cold Lansing, Michigan, where I spent a few years in the snow, still blue in the face, until we migrated to Fountain Valley, California, and then to Cerritos, where I grew up and attended school.
When did I know I wanted to be a lawyer?
The earliest memory was 5th grade at the advice of my teacher, who one day told me after class that she thought I’d make a good one. I think I told her “Yeah either that or a baseball player, I’m thinking.” Teachers get a lot of credit for keeping good poker faces.
In high school, I was never pressured to be a doctor, but it was a fleeting thought until we had a college freshman return to high school to tell us about his experiences. That single moment hearing him talk about doing what you love solidified for me instantly that I probably was taking my last chemistry course ever. It’s amazing how such random strangers can have lasting impacts on our entire lives.
At UCLA, I entertained the idea of being a motivational speaker. I remember the long pause on the other end of the phone when I told my dad that after my first week of classes. His reply finally was, “Let’s see.” Parents get a lot of credit too for keeping strong poker faces.
What is my favorite quote of all time?
Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. To me, it’s all about your perspective and this quote keeps life in perspective for me. Ambition is fine but gratefulness goes far.
What irritates me?
Spelling errors (I have mini heart attacks) and people who whine. I have a hard time listening to whiners, those who only complain about things rather than solving problems. It’s not just limited to work; it’s a social epidemic. Solve the problem; don’t just help by only identifying it. And not all problems can be solved, so find a way to deal with it. Life must go on.
What are some things that most people don’t know about me?
My original name was not Lalit. It was something else, and that’s all I’m saying, but it was changed a few days after I was born.
I am flat-footed and it took me a long time to figure that out.
I avoid, whenever possible, food warmed in microwaves.
What are some life lessons I am willing to share?
Not sure if these are lessons but they work for me.
First, no TV. We cut the cord three years ago and it was the best thing we ever did. You can still watch shows but you save a lot of time. I used to be the guy that NEEDED the TV on at all times, even if I was in another room. I just needed there to be sound. Having no TV opens up your time to do more important things. I love it. Plus, I hate the cable companies.
Second, stay grateful at all times. It makes life easier when bad things happen.
Third, create something unique. I’m a firm believer in this. If you draw, make a painting. If you sing, write your own song. Stop forwarding emails and memes and start creating your own.
What are my hobbies?
Hiking. Astronomy. Writing (working on a few books).
What is my favorite color?
Blue, blue and blue. Purple comes close, but I think I own 10 of the same blue shirts.
What are my favorite sports teams?

Need I say more?
What do I like most about my job?
I truly enjoy helping people and I think I’m pretty good at it. A friend once told me that we should live our lives in such a way that most people around you would make you one of the top 3 people they called if they needed help. I always remembered that.
To your family’s success,