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Thinking About Small Business Bankruptcy? First Consider These Important Factors

Although often perceived as a worst case scenario, bankruptcy can be an appropriate way for small businesses to recover from unmanageable debt by reorganization, reducing personal liability or liquidating business assets. Sometimes small businesses (or their owners) must turn to bankruptcy when cash flow slows or business expenses cannot be met. There are three types…

Three Health Care Documents You Need to Include in Your Estate Plan

Decisions about your health care are some of the most important you will ever make. Don’t put off making plans until you are unable to assert your wishes. Including health care documents in your estate plan can ensure your decisions are always your choice, even if you cannot speak for yourself. Health care documents that…

The Importance of An Estate Plan

Preparing You And Your Family For The Future  An estate plan is a collection of documents, prepared with the assistance of an estate attorney, that define how your assets will be managed in the event of your death or incapacitation. The end of the line is something most people don’t like to spend too much…

How to Incorporate Family Values in Your Estate Planning

Baby boomers know money isn’t the only important aspect of estate planning. A 2012 study released by the Allianz Life Insurance, Co. showed baby boomers wanted to leave their family more than just financial assets. Researchers found baby boomers identified family values as some of the most important things to pass down to heirs. In…

How to Leverage Company Culture to Build a Successful Brand

Building a brand can transform your business into an enduring household name. But how do you build a brand when you are starting from scratch? One good place to start is developing a consistent company culture. Company culture can be leveraged to create a unique and memorable company identity. More than just a corporate buzzword,…

Power of Attorney – What is it and Is it Enough?

Power of attorney (POA) is a document that grants a specific person, called an agent, the authority to make important decisions on behalf of another person, called the principal. There are many different kinds of power of attorney. The scope of the authority the principal grants to the agent can be very broad or quite…

Entrepreneurial Anguish: The Cost of Doing Business

Building a business empire, enterprise, or even just a start-up has its price. The image of the confident and charismatic CEO often falls short of reality. Before, during and after public visibility often comes personal self-doubt, anxiety and mental anguish. Many business owners donot readily divulge the distress they feel because they don’t perceive it…

How These Common Assets Can Affect Your Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial aid is a valuable resource for students and their families. And sending a child off to college is one of life’s biggest (and often most expensive!) events. Unfortunately, certain assets may adversely affect student financial aid eligibility. That’s why careful financial planning is particularly important for families with college-age children. Federal financial aid eligibility…

Millennials and the Family Business: When New Values Meet Old

Millennials are taking their places at office desks around the nation. This burgeoning generation is just starting out,which means changes for family businesses with millennial family members who stand to inherit the family business. Of course, this scenario raises certain concerns for baby-boomer business owners as they look to the next generation of workers. According…

How To Structure Your Business

Know the right legal structure for your business. When starting a business, one of the most fundamental decisions you can make relating to taxes is the type of legal structure you choose for your company. Apart from taxes, this decision can also affect the amount of paperwork you will be required to file, the extent…

Is Your Family “Too Young” to Need an Estate Plan?

Young families face different estate planning needs and challenges than those who have had a long life behind them. While established families may be concerned about what will happen to their family when they pass on, young, growing families can be more focused on what is happening to their family in the present. And you…

How to Approach Buying an Existing Business

Buying an existing business is a great way to hit the ground running in the world of entrepreneurship. Because an existing business already has a legal structure, employees, a customer base, and is making a profit, you get to skip over one of the most challenging aspects of owning a business – starting it. But…

How to Live Before You Die

In Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University, he said: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.” When Jobs was 17, he read a quote that made an impression on him, and every day after he looked in…

Estate Planning After Marriage Equality

What All Couples Should Know In the wake of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, same-sex couples nationwide finally enjoy marriage equality. And, whether you are legally married in the eyes of the law, or not, there are important additional legal planning steps you need to take to ensure your wishes are…

Why You Need to Update Your Estate Plan After These Life Events

Too many estate plans are created and then quickly forgotten, put on a shelf, and never looked at again. While we do recommend that you review and update your plan at least every three years, no matter what happens in your life, your plan must be updated immediately in the event of any of these…

Do Your Employees Get a Mandatory Raise This December 1?

If your business is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you may be required to give all of your salaried employees who perform executive, administrative or professional (EAP) duties a raise. As of December 1, 2016, the new minimum wage for full-time salaried workers is $913 per week. Previously, the minimum wage was…

Trade Secret Law Reform: The Basics

Many businesses maintain an industry advantage through control and utilization of trade secrets. Be it a formula, a design, or a process, trade secrets can provide advantages over the competition. Not surprisingly, trade secret misappropriation is a serious concern for many businesses. Until recently, it’s been state law at the forefront of regulating and protecting…

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