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Never Underestimate the Power of an Older Employee

The inclusion of older employees in the workforce benefits companies, the economy, and the employees themselves. More people are choosing to work later in life, sometimes to delay retirement and boost their Social Security check. Often, however, mature workers choose to work as a means to remain engaged and relevant. Contributions of Mature Employees Hiring,…

Corporate Social Responsibility

As the Baby Boom generation moves on to retirement and Millennials increase their presence in the consuming world, more companies are including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their business plans. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, CSR is “a continuing commitment of business to contribute to economic development while improving the quality…

Pets in Your Will

For those of us who have pets that would be left behind after we die, there may be a desire to make arrangements for their well-being. Making provisions for pets in your will can only be done through the establishment of a trust. Pets are considered property and, as such, cannot be left money or…

Benefits of a Home-Based Business

With the advanced connectivity options available through the internet and associated devices and applications, more and more people are earning a living by working from home. Many of us, however, may be so ingrained in the notion of being employed and reporting to work at a fixed location that we may not be able to…

Avoid These Errors to Improve Your Chance of Succeeding in Business

How to Succeed in Business Taxes for the Self-Employed Going into business for yourself means learning about a lot of things, and not all of them are necessarily fun. Take taxes, for example. Unless you’re an accountant, dealing with the tax issues that come with your business is probably not your favorite task. But once…

The Ultimate After-Action Review: Doing a Year-End Review

Completing a Succesful Year-End Review There’s been a lot of hullabaloo in recent years over the “after-action review.” The general concept is that after you’ve weathered a major event, you reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of how your company performed. The goal is to improve your performance in similar events in the future. Some…

Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Communications With Your Lawyer

Keeping Up Good Communication When you engage the services of a lawyer, an important thing to keep in mind is confidentiality. If you are a business owner in need of advice or representation, confidentiality of your business information can be critical. To understand the confidentiality present in your relationship with a lawyer, you need to…

How Can I Avoid Business Identity Theft?

How Can I Avoid Business Identity Theft? It seems like major retailers report breaches of their customer’s private data almost weekly. But businesses themselves are also subject to identity theft, and unfortunately, they are more apt to not discover the theft until much later in the game, after significant damage has been done. Businesses identities…

Behaviors of Successful Entrepreneurs

According to Merriam-Webster, an entrepreneur is a person who “starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” But being willing to take risks isn’t the whole equation, at least when it comes to succeeding in business. After all, the majority of businesses started by entrepreneurs, ultimately fail. So what…

WFH. Not as Easy as it Looks.

Working at Home Successfully: What Does It Take? Many people fantasize about working from home. Just imagine: How amazing would it be to roll out of bed, get to work, and have time to enjoy the things that really matter in life? Working at home isn’t for everyone. To be successful, you must set boundaries…

Legal Strategies to Avoid Guardianship

As senior citizens continue to age, the likelihood increases that they will become physically or mentally incapacitated. Hopefully, people in such a situation have family members who step in and help keep their affairs in order. That is not always the case, however. If no one steps in to help, courts may be petitioned to…

Family Financial Traditions

To some degree or another, we are all a function of the social environments in which we were raised. Of course, that encompasses both positives and negatives. When it comes to money, the first exposure we have to its management is in our families. That makes good money management practices a real gift that parents…

Watch Out for Predatory Tax Liens on Your Family Home

Predatory Tax Liens To Be Aware Of As our parents and other loved ones age, they may need a little more attention from us. Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, or even neighbors who are aging may want to be seen as strong and independent. Often, however, their abilities to take care of household and financial…

Planning for Charitable Giving

Estate Planning for a Charitable Giving January 1 wipes the slate clean for your tax-deductible charitable contributions. That might be a good time to reassess your approach to donating to charities. Most of us respond to some of the appeals which come through various avenues such as unsolicited phone calls, campaigns at work, or church-related…

Retirement Planning Reality Check

The National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) states that American workers have not set aside nearly enough for retirement planning to the tune of trillions of dollars. Why? Well as the old adage goes, “Failing to plan is as good as planning to fail.” One of the first pitfalls in retirement planning is giving up…

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