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“We’ll take the Lexus!”

When I met Anshul in college, I was driving a black sports car. She can say what she wants, but I know she liked it. When we got married in 2006, I gave up that car and exchanged it for a 4-door sedan – my Lexus ES. I still remember the day when I said…

What Happens to Your Body When You Die? The Choice Can Be Yours.

Many of us are too afraid of death to carefully consider what happens to our bodies after we die. Unfortunately, failing to plan for that event can leave your wishes unattended to and your family grief struck and unsure how to honor your wishes. And the larger truth is that facing your death proactively creates…

How (and Why) to Disinherit a Child or Grandchild

Completely disinheriting a child or grandchild should be reserved for extreme circumstances. And, if those circumstances exist in your family, it’s critical to ensure that you’ve taken the proper planning steps so that you are not leaving your loved ones with a guaranteed lawsuit or other conflict after you are gone. Read on, if you…

How Can I Plan for a Strategic Retirement?

Are you approaching retirement? Not sure how you can ensure a smooth transition from working life to retired life?  Walking away from regular paychecks and employer-provided benefits can feel a little nerve wracking. Minimize the impact of these major life changes by planning accordingly. Time It Get your timing right. Review and understand your employer’s…

Generational Wisdom in 32 Questions

What can we learn from earlier generations? Quite a bit, says Brendon Burchard, but only if we ask the right questions. Brendon Burchard, famed personal development trainer and author of The Motivation Manifesto (Carlsbad, Hay House, 2014) says asking your mother, father and/or another loved one these 32 important questions can teach you valuable lessons about love,…

How to Achieve Sustainable Business Growth

You’ve put in the time to get your business off the ground and now you’re up and running. You have a product or service that’s selling well, team support to keep everyone happy and a proven income model. Congratulations! You’ve overcome the biggest obstacle to business sustainability. Surviving the startup phase is often the toughest…

Establishing Your Business in the US?

You don’t need to be a US citizen to own a US business Yes, there’s a lot to know when weighing the pros and cons of establishing your international business in the US. Foremost, know this: you do not need to be a US resident to form a business in the United States. With that…

Decreasing Business Liability Risk

Reducing Business Relationship Liability Risk Those new to the business world often lack the first-hand experience of initiating and building healthy business relationships. But protecting these vital relationships with carefully crafted business agreements—such as those for co-owners, suppliers and clients—is essential to growing a new business without risk of being taken advantage of or of…

Defining the Legal Relationship Between Grandparents and Their Grandchildren

Raising a grandchild (or even spending a lot of time with your grandchild while his or her parents work) can be fraught with legal and financial complications. Lacking many of the inherent rights parents have, grandparents who are responsible for the care of their grandchildren may encounter unexpected legal challenges. Even if you are your…

Business Conflict: Tips for Settling Business Disputes Part 2

In part 1, we discussed the importance of knowing how to negotiate business deals and mitigate conflict whenever possible. Besides being a financial drain, business disputes can also create conflicts that require precious time and energy to resolve. Setting clear boundaries and realistic expectations when making professional agreements is essential in setting yourself up for…

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

In some meetings, clients really want to hear more about their lawyers and get me to open up a bit. So who is my attorney anyway? What does he do when he’s not lawyering? Why should I go with him? So, for better or worse, I am going to tell my clients and friends a…

New California Immigration Obligations Facing Employers in 2018

Learn about the new obligations starting January 1, 2018 Governor Brown recently signed six new statutory obligations into law that took effect on January 1st, 2018. AB 450 was among the new obligations, signed on October 5th, 2017, and among other things, it prohibits employers from voluntary consenting to allowing immigration officials to access non-public…

Business Conflict: Tips for Settling Business Disputes Part 1

A large part of being a successful business owner is knowing how to make deals and facilitate conflict when it arises. When in a dispute over a deal or an agreement that has been made, the potential costs are endless. The potential cost of litigation, the potential cost of loss of reputation, the potential cost…

The Surprising Secret to Keeping Good Records in Your Small Business

Keeping good records relieves stress and makes running your business easier and more enjoyable. But it may not look like what you think if you’ve run your business by saving receipts all year long and then trying to handle your bookkeeping all at once at tax time. First and foremost, don’t handle your bookkeeping yourself….

When Duty Calls: Navigating the Sandwich Generation with Ease

The average age of parents raising children in the US continues to rise, leaving many middle-aged Americans in a category commonly referred to as the “sandwich” generation. This growing population of professionals are often still raising kids at home when they become responsible for the care of their own aging parents. The stress and financial…

Why Everyone Needs an Agent

Everyone needs an agent – and not the Hollywood type. An agent is someone you designate to handle your estate after you’ve gone or who can make decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself. Here are the kinds of agents everyone needs: Executor – an executor is the person you designate to carry…

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