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What to do when a Loved One Dies?

“First of all, breathe, because nothing on this list is worth losing your peace of mind. Take time to grieve and be with your family. Decisions made when you’re dealing with a flood of emotions tend to be poor anyways, so when you’re ready, you can take these matters up”, Lalit Kundani 1. Order at…

Guiding Your Children to Grow Through Failure

Grow Through Failure—A Gift That Keeps On Giving Laws and rules are created within organized societies to regulate interaction and protect citizens. A classic example is the American system of traffic laws. They are designed to promote consistent traffic flow while reducing accidents. When everyone understands how a four-way stop works, expectations follow. We learn…

Learn from Working Parents

5 Valuable Traits Children Can Learn from Working Parents Those of us who work sometimes feel that we are doing our children a disservice. Sure, we bring home a paycheck that benefits our children, but we may miss their activities and other aspects of their daily lives. This can be especially true in two-earner families….

Could an AMBER Alert save your child?

Protecting Your Child As a parent, your number one job is to keep your children safe, and that’s not always easy. In our imperfect world, there is no shortage of potential dangers to innocent children. One of a parent’s worst nightmares is the thought of child abduction or receiving an AMBER Alert. We hear stories…

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We want you to feel comfortable discussing your legal issue with us, so we offer a free consultation to learn about your problem. Contact us today to setup a time to come in and talk with our team.